Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wonder Why

One day I will find the answers to all of life's unknowns. Deep questions, like "Why do children starve to death", "Why do babies die"...things like that. For now though, I'd just like to know the following.....

Why do my children insist on calling my name a doze times in a row.....I'm going to change my name from mom to something else. "Mom, mom, mom, mom, mommy, mom..." gets old sometimes - not that I'm not thrilled to have healthy children to call my name!

Why do children - all children - insist on poking you when they want something...over and over again. I told my nephew, just today, that I was going to punch him right in the nose if he poked me one more time...he poked me, one more time, laughed and ran away!

Who made Moon Sand? Are they insane....

Why do I buy Moon Sand? Am I insane....

Who installed a spill magnet on my floor? If I wash it, they will come - the spills that is.

What does my son say while he's at school? I was helping at Sam's school last week and got the complete criminal record of one kids parents.... I'm scared!

Why, if one child asks for something, do all the children then have to do or have it? It's a horrible chain reaction? "Mom can I have a pudding" - I answer - "Sure son"...two more kids drop what they are doing and suddenly will die if they don't have pudding.

Why, does my 6 year old spell EVERYTHING! I'm going insane.... I wake up to M-O-M. can I have something to d-r-i-n-k? I'm sure this is a good habit and a smart thing, it just gets a tad bit old...I've started spelling my answers.

Why does my youngest insist on taking off his diaper and sitting on the potty? Seems like a good thing right - wrong! He only does it after he has pooped. He's ready for potty training you say...wrong again my friend! He sits on the potty, gets up to play, starts peeing...mommy grabs him, puts him on potty, peeing stops...until he gets up. He then proceeds to pee on my floor. I quit!

Why do children wait until you get to the back of the gorcery store to say they have to pee?

Why does my cat insist on following the kids around, even though they torment him? Has he not learned his lesson?

1 comment:

Targetshopper: said...

You always make me laugh. Our house rule is NO MOON SAND. Never had it, never will. We got some for a birthday present and conveniently re-gifted it this Christmas. The two families that we re-gifted to were not very happy with me. Oh well, it's out of the house and I am thrilled!