Monday, December 15, 2008

Not Me Monday

In an attempt for cheap "talk" therapy, her is a list of things I didn't do this week....

I did not spell one of my sister's names wrong in my last blog. She has been my sister for 24 years, why on earth would I add an "h" to the end of Sara.

I most certainly didn't allow my children to open an extra Christmas gift of playdough because ours was all gone....

I also did not let my kids play the "dough" for hours without worrying about the mess...even when the littlest man brought it into the living room...because I have wood floors it's ok...WAS NOT my rational.

I definately didn't fall asleep in the lazy boy this week while babysitting for my sister. I would never turn on a video and sit with the older kids and "rest my eyes" while the babies all slept....

I did not take my little man to church on Sunday, even though he threw up a few hours before. I did not, NOT, want to miss the two older boys in their first church Christmas play.**I did however, hold little man, the ENTIRE time in the back of the church - far away from all people. I also warned anyone who came within 50 yards of us;)**

I most certainly didn't skip dinner the other day, knowing I had to go to the grocery store. I did not think ahead that I could pick up stuff to make myself a salami sandwich and chips...because I had an awful craving. I'd never want anything that bad!

I did not hope for a snow day on more than one occasion in the last week....because I don't want my kids to be able to miss school...right?!?!

I have not called my littlest man "ONO" too because I think it's adorable that he thinks that's what his name is! That would just be wrong to encourage.

I have not sat and tried to come up with nicknames for my kids for the blog...I don't like using their real names on the blog and would love to come up with something more creative....


Alicia The Snowflake said...

Too funny! I so understand the need for a nap! I hope you didn't have too much of a mess to clean up from the play dough. Been there, done that. Oh wait...That wasn't me!

BTW, your boys are adorable!

Elyse said...

I did not have one batch of fudge explode all of the stove nor did it not make a HUGE mess.
Happy Monday!!!

Mrs B said...

I think my kids caught the sickness from yours! :) I had to go to church by myself...nursery duties!