Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How I know I'm Old...

I know I'm getting old now. It's taken me a while to admit it, but it's glaringly obvious now....

*Not sure when or how...but I listen to talk radio now. I actually turn off music and listen to talk radio on occasion! WHAT IS THAT ABOUT!

*I have, on more than one occasion, in the last year, complained about the price of gas and the words, "I remember when you could get gas for $0.99", came out of my mouth - for my LU friends, that gas station at the bottom of the hill, next to Walmart always had gas for under a dollar!

*I am shocked on a biweekly basis at the cost of groceries. I have also been know to come home and tell my husband things like, "this hamburger used to cost $2.99 a pound, now it's $4.29". He nods and says something intelligent about the economy and uses some business term that I don't understand, while I just mumble under my breath about the rise in the cost of a box of graham crackers.

*When given an evening free, both of children and financial obligation, I, and my dear friend Carrie, couldn't hang. We ate dinner, a rather large dinner at that, and both were too tired...and too sick to go to a movie. We both went home and went to bed...are we insane!

*I have been known, while sampling foods at dinner, to announce that I was going to need some Zantac before bed...or that I am going to pay for what I just ate (physically).

*I find loud music to be nothing but "noise" now....I say, "turn that down" more times than I care to admit.

What has happened to me....


Targetshopper: said...

I laughed (out loud) through this whole post. sorry!

H. said...

I still like loud music but could definitely relate to "I'm gonna pay later for eating this" :-)

Erin McG said...

Well all of these apply to me too so I am getting old right along with you. I too LOVE talk radio now. Around the election I couldn't get enough of it. When Scott plays his music loud I get a tight feeling in my chest and feel like I could have an anxiety attack. I guess it was bound to happen at some point.