Sunday, October 12, 2008

Not Me Monday

Here is my list for Not Me Monday - I got the idea from another blog I read!
I think the honesty or denial helps....

I did not sleep guilelessly in the car, while my husband drove us to Grand Rapids and back. I am a thoughtful wife who would always keep my husband company.
I did not consume two doughnuts, cotton candy, cookies and a piece of pumpkin pie on Saturday. I am quite a healthy eater and not a bit overweight.
I certainly did not allow my kids to eat the same junk that I ate, just because it was a fun day out as a family.
I did not spend $10.50 on pumpkins because that would be a ridiculous price for something I can grow in my backyard.
I didn't take my kids to the doctor and then ask the doctor to look at my ear too, I'd make my own appointment for that.
I most certainly did not set the alarm off at work today and have the police come out to my work. I am a responsible supervisor who never does things like that.
When the afore mentioned police officer did not arrive at the office, he didn't point out to me that my tags were expired on the car. Matt and I are always on top of things.
I did not, not have my drivers license with me when the cop showed up, because a cop never showed up, remember.
I did not take the wrong freeway today on my way home from work. I have a tremendous sense of direction.
I certainly did not open several packages of food while grocery shopping to keep my youngest son from screaming the entire time. I have my children perfectly under control.
I do not still have a basket of clothes folded in my living room that have been there for a week now. I'm not lazy and put all my laundry away as soon as it's done.

What didn't you do this week?


Erin McG said...

Yay Beth!! I just found your blog. Woo hoo! I MUST know where you got your background!!

My Kids Mom said...

I can't remember where..there is a link on the top of my page I think.

My Kids Mom said...

I can't remember where..there is a link on the top of my page I think.