Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kids Speak

As I listen to my sweet, middle child, babble random things, I had to laugh when he said: "What's shakin bacon". Not sure where this phrase came from, but it's funny nevertheless.

While driving to a museum yesterday, S commented on a community service road crew that was working. They were wearing their lovely orange vests and cleaning up trash on the side of the freeway. S, spoke up and said: "Look how nice those people are, cleaning trash up on the side of the road! I've seen them do it in the summer, but not in the cold winter. That, is really nice of them".

I smiled, told him that it was indeed nice of them and left it at that. I didn't feel the need to go into detail about WHY they were so kind to pick up trash in the winter time. I didn't want to explain, writing bad checks, DUI's and other infractions on our way to a nice museum trip.

O, has begun to follow in his brothers footsteps nicely. He has begun to call me by my first name now. Yesterday, while he was trying to get my attention, he patted my leg and called, "BEFF", which is typically how my name comes out for small children...that or "Bep", either of which are fine with me!!! Rest assured, all of the children quickly outgrow that stage and go back to calling me mommy. I still, to this day, will call my parents by their first names when I can't get their attention! Somthing about hearing the voice of your child calling your first name does the trick!

Sweet little O, has also taken to calling my mom by her first name....sometimes he includes a "mas" in front of it, which is what he calls his grandmas. I guess he throws that one in for respect.

M, looked at me the other day, quite seriously and said: "I hate to tell you this mom, but, I want a poptart". He was dead serious. My response was:"I hate to tell you this M, but NOPE". He didn't think it was funny, but I did.

O, was pounding on his chest today and kept pointing at himself and jumping up and down, he was also screaming, "I TART, I TART". He was requesting a poptart....but I didn't disagree with him.

One of my nephews, happens to be, "best buddies" with M. They do not refer to each other as cousins, but only as best buddies. They are always together and beg to see each other every day. Nephew C was going to spend the night, and so was niece A, last week. The kids were all playing and enjoying themselves, when out of the chaos, a large yell was heard. Five small children were all playing, so a yell was certain, but it was a hurt yell, so we went to see what it was. To make a long story short C, hit our S, with a large wooden toy. The hitting wasn't the issue, it was the refusal to speak to either Matt or myself when it happened that got Mr. C into a heap of trouble. We ended up taking him home and wouldn't allow him to spend the night. I sat M down to tell him that we were going to have to take his "best buddy" home because of his behavior. M, looked at me, quite seriously and started to say something, I had prepared a short lesson in my head on respecting adults and listening and not hitting, so that M could learn from this experience. I was certain he was going to be crushed. Instead, this is what I heard from M: "Is A still staying the night" I told him she was and his response was "Well, that's fine then, take him home, as long as I have A with me, it's not big deal". So much for being a best buddy!


H. said...

cute stories, thanks for sharing!

angela said...

I hate to tell you this, but your kids are too stinkin' cute!!