Thursday, April 23, 2009

That Only Happens of TV...right?!?

I had a moment that I thought only really happened on television....

I had put the boys to bed..whoever had the great idea to put all three boys in one room was crazy. They were not cooperating and Matt was at church so I was on my own. I had also been cleaning all day and was finishing up some stuff in the kitchen.

The boys had been warned, discipline, warned and warned again. I told S, if he yelled at me again, he was going to be in trouble.

I came in the kitchen and, you guessed it, he yelled again. I walked in the room and ten minutes later, walked back out. This event in and of itself was stressful enough. If you follow my blog, you know we have been dealing with some "issues" with S lately, and they have been especially challenging for us.

I walked back out of the room and started to go to the bathroom (sorry if this is too much information, I'm just laying the background...). I heard a noise that triggered a "memory" for me. I had left the water running in the sink. Yes, 10 minutes of HOT water running...and on Earth Day no less!

Running water, in and of itself, is a waste of money and resources. That fact was frustrating. The REALLY frustrating fact, was that I had, PLUGGED THE SINK! Yes, I had left the water running for roughly 10 minutes with the sink plugged.

I have always admired water features, but wasn't looking to install one in my kitchen. I walked into the room and watched my new water fall and did the first thing that came to mind...scream.

I then waded through my new indoor swimming pool and immediately shut the water off. I then quickly emptied off my counter of EVERYTHING and then just stood there for a minute. The water in the sink was terribly hot, but I had to "suck it up" and unplug the about a real waste of water.

It took a plethora of towels and several rounds with the mop to get the water up. I then turned on the ceiling fan and ran another fan, pointed at the floor (which just happens to be wood laminate and doesn't appreciate when water seeps underneath).

I then went back into the boys room to deal with another fussing child...and made sure that the water was turned off. Once they were settled, I went back to re asses the damage and realized that the cabinets and drawers were soaked too.

After the initial frustration, I laughed and told Matt that at least the cabinet faces and floors were clean now! He laughed too and then I loaded up for the grocery store.

I came home from the store and my husband greeted me with this phrase: "I think you neglected to check for water somewhere". I thought to myself and couldn't think of anywhere that it could possibly have gotten....I was wrong.

Our silverware/junk drawer had made quite the swimming pool. He said water was sloshing back and forth in the drawer. He emptied it out and then used three dish towels to get all the water out. I came home to a counter top full of silverware and "stuff".

As I was putting groceries away I happened to notice a wet can in the cupboard below the drawer, and then a wet box of pancake mix, and then a wet package of muffin mix, and the list goes on.

Needless to say if was an interesting night. My floor, cabinets and drawers are quite clean now! I really don't know anyone else who has ever done this...I win the stupid prize for the day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have done it last month twice in one week. Only thing is I was making bread and the machine was plugged in and running. One time I was defrosting meat and it blocked the drain. The other time Maria put a cup in the sink and it blocked the drain 1st time it went to the right and I had to clean the stuff at the right next time to the left basement steps included...All because of a phone call...