Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Moment of Truth

Drum roll please....This Auntie is expecting her 11th little angel. A niece. That brings the count to 6 nephews and 5 nieces for me. I'm a quite certain, the count will continue to climb, as we still have several siblings that have yet to get married, have children, nor are all of our siblings done with the procreation process. How will I afford to spoil all these little angel babies?!?!

This was the big moment of truth for's a girl! Little darling struck a perfect pose for the doctor and showed us her goods...or lack of goods, I should say! I was honored to be able to be there for the ultrasound today!


Erin McG said...

Congrats Beth! I love that pic! So sweet!

H. said...

Congrats Aunt Beth! I will be curious to see what the final count is someday :-)