Monday, April 20, 2009

Not Me

I know that MckMamma is on a hiatus from this blog carnival, as she continues to face the battle they are facing for their sweet little Stellan, but I have actually had several requests to post a not me I'll have at it. I do have one request though...before you read this blog, please take a moment to pray for sweet Stellan, his parents and his siblings, as they all deal with the difficult situation they are up against. Pray for healing for Stellan and wisdom for the doctors. Pray for peace and strength for his parents and an extra dose of calm and understanding for the littlest ones.

I did not, pee in a McDonald's cup, in the back of my van, while my mom drove around looking for more yard sales. I never have to pee that badly and I can hold my urine.

I also did not dump that cup of urine on the street when we stopped. I did not make my middle son M, hold the cup of urine while I rushed to get my pants back up. That would not be disgusting and I don't do gross things.

We did not battle with our six year old this week. We have not had to drag, pull, carry and lie to him to get him to go to school, junior choir and Sunday service. We have not been battling this for 3 weeks now and I do not feel like I am at the end of my rope. I am always a pillar of patience (insert hysterical laughter here).

I definitely did not sleep on my shoulder wrong. In not doing so, I certainly did not do something that would have caused me pain for days on end. I am not old and our of shape and I am no sitting with the heating pad on my shoulder as I type this blog. I am, after all, too young for that.

I certainly did not buy an umbrella hat at a yard sale. I wouldn't waste money on that. I also didn't wear that hat to several yard sales after that...because I didn't buy it..remember.

I most definitely did not tell my child the following this week: "Shut up, shut up, please shut up, be quiet, M please just stop talking, no...shut up!". I never talk to my children like this and never let them push my buttons so much that I resort to saying something to them that I try to NEVER say.

I did not smile and chuckle with my six year old told me that his "pants bed" fell out. It took me several minutes to figure our what he was speaking of. I had to ask him...and he said, "you know, that thing my pants sleep in, it fell our of my dresser"...he was speaking of his drawer. I also did not, not correct him, because I found it so adorable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did pray as you asked before I read it...I plan to pray for him everytime I check your site, which is usually 3 times a day...yes I am a stalker...but a good one honest :)