Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bad Dreams

M woke up the other day and came into bed with us...as do all the boys. We aren't those parents who are up, dressed, coffee in hand when our kids wake up. They are, our alarm clock!
He told me he had a bad dream. I told him he was fine and then fell back asleep...as I normally do. Matt is a champ and always gets up with the kids...even if it is a bit begrudgingly at times.
Matt told me later that M had a bad dream and that S had encouraged him. It took me a minute to stop laughing about the "bad" dream and then I was proud of sweet S and his kind heart!
M had a dream that all his friends had super powers and he didn't...I guess for a 6 year old boy, that is a BAD dream.
S told him that he was special just the way he was and that he didn't need super powers. He told him that we'd love him no matter what!
Such sweet brothers...at least for that moment. I'm quite sure a few minutes later they were fighting about something!

1 comment:

H. said...

how sweet!! I bet that boy is going to be a counselor or a pastor or something :-)