Thursday, January 28, 2010


Our children seem to have a problem grasping the concept of doors. Not how to use them, or what they are for, although, they often forget to close them. We've come home or received a phone call on more than one occassion, notifying us that our back door is open. No surprise there. Thankfully, we live in a nice area and my parents live across the street...not to mention we live 1/2 mile away from the police/fire departments!

They are often confused about which is the back door and front door in our house. I know why they are confused. We rarely use our front door, and have been known, on occassion to block it entirely. I know this isn't a safe practice, so you can save the fire code lessons. We have 13 windows in our house...all on the first floor, so we are good with exits. Anyhow, I will tell them, go unlock the back door for your grandma, and one will run to the front. I'll tell them, I said the back door, they look at me, for a moment, like I'm speaking French, and then run to the "other" back door. My oldest has actually refered to the back door as "the other front door".

Today, while eating dinner, O asked for ketchup. I should have already had it on the table. O eats ketchup on almost anything, as I imagine most children do. I had just sat down and we told him he could go and get it. He gladly hoped up and ran to the fridge. We all kept eating and he announced, in his three year old manner: "The ketchups not in dis fidge". Daddy told him to look in the door....

O slammed the door to the fridge and took off toward the back door. We heard after a minute..."It's not back here"...Matt told him, in the door O...the door to the fridge. O then took off running towards the front door!

After we stopped laughing, Matt took O and explained to him the concept of the "refridgerator door". The ketchup was found and all was right with the world!

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