Sunday, December 27, 2009


I love to hear:

My oldest son pray. He prays deep and meaningful prayers. Prayers that I'm certain please the Lord! He's such a special boy.

My youngest son belly laughing. He's really come into his own and has developed quite the sense of humor!

My children talk to each other. We have overheard many interesting conversations between the boys!

My boys encouraging each other. Despite their tempers, tantrums and tattling, there are moments of encouragement and love between the boys. I cherish these moments!

My husband pray with our boys. He prays with them each night before bed and they WILL NOT let him forget. I love what he is teaching our children.

My husband teaching. He makes me so proud. He loves doing so and the Lord has given him a great gift.

The sound of long as I'm inside.

Crunching snow...such a cool sound!

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