Sunday, December 6, 2009


A few days ago, while shopping at...Target (as if you were surprised), I was in the check out line and getting ready to pay. I made sure I put everything on the belt, gave the cashier all the toys that O had thrown into the cart while I wasn't looking, and even handed her the one that I had let him play with to stop a tantrum...yes, I'm that mother. It happened to be my favorite cashier, so she smiled, took the stuff and quickly hid it while O wasn't looking.
She scanned my coupons, bagged my order, and chatted for a brief minute. I did a split tender. I often do that...part cash, part debit. I've been using photo money to pay for Christmas gifts this year and didn't want to use Christmas money on laundry soap..after all, who is laundry soap a gift for?!?!
I finished paying and she handed me back my change. I stuck it in my wallet, found my mom, bundled O and walked to the car. We got in the car and I stopped. I told my mom that I thought the cashier gave me back too much change. We looked, counted, checked the recent, recounted my money and it was decided that she did indeed give me back too much change...$20.00 in fact! I handed her $60 in cash and she rang in $80. She gave me back a $1.80 in change, when in fact, I owed her almost that much!
I went into the service desk and explained to the man what happened. He thanked me profusely for being honest and took the opportunity to tell him, despite the difficult time our family is having financially right now, the Lord has been faithful and provided for us. He looked at me like I was crazy, smiled and made a phone call to his manager.
He hung up the phone and told me that his manager said not to worry about it....WHAT?!?! They told me not to worry about it and have a nice day! What a blessing!! I guess honesty is the best policy...I had a clear conscience, had the opportunity to tell someone about God's faithfulness AND got a free Christmas gift!

1 comment:

Erin McG said...

Wow!! That is awesome! Merry Christmas!