Sunday, December 20, 2009

Where Babies Come From....just in case you wondered

M and I had a chance to talk the other day. Somehow, in a rare moments, just the two of us were riding in the van together. We got on the topic of getting married and having babies. I decided to ask M some questions...seeing as he's only SIX, I wasn't sure of the answers that I would get. I was shocked at how certain he was of each answer! He's such a smart boy! Our conversation went something like this:

Me: Do you want to get married when you grow up?
M: YEAH! I want to have a wife...this is the part where I told him he had to have a job before he could get married...just thought I'd start drilling that in him now.
Me: Do you want to have kids when you grow up too?
M: Yes! I want to be a daddy when I get bigger!
Me: How many kids do you want to have?
M: I think 3, just like we have at our house.
Me: Do you want boy babies or girl babies?
M: I think I'd like some of each.
We are silent for a minute. Somehow, we go off topic and talk about mistletoe for a minute....
M: Mom, where do babies come from...
Me...uh...well...ummmm...When a mommy and a daddy get married, Jesus puts them in her belly. This answer worked for the older one...hopefully, it will work now (fingers crossed tightly)!
M: No, I mean HOW does Jesus get them there?
Me: I stammer all over myself, mentally debating on whether or not I should have this "talk" right now. I decide no...and answer like this: When a mommy and daddy are married and love each other, they do stuff alone together..
M: What kind of stuff?
Me: Sheeshh....Just stuff, by themselves.
M: I KNOW!!! Like when you and daddy go shopping together and stuff like that!
Me: YES!!!
**I do realize that M may never step foot in a store with his girlfriend for fear of pregnancy...but that's ok!
We now go on to have a brief conversation about a car that looks like the Transformer Bumblebee.
M: How do the babies get food in the mommy's belly?
Me: Through their belly button
M: Are you serious mom?
Me: Yes, it's called an umbilical cord.
M: That's just RIDICULOUS!!
Me: Do you want to grow a baby in your belly M?
M: NO WAY!! I'm glad it's just the mommy's who do that!!
Smart boy huh!!

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