Tuesday, November 11, 2008

All In Numbers

60 - construction paper leaves I've cut out.
6- pictures printed - of my oldest sons life for a time line...do you know ho difficult it was to pick only 6!
2 - wonderful, child free nights this weekend.
1 - hysterical movie I saw with my husband.
2- things my middle child spilled on the floor today.
2 - the number of times I've vacuumed today.
3 - super yummy cherry limeades I drank while out with friends.
1 - phenomenal "sermon" my husband delivered on Sunday.
10239480123948 - the number of toys I cleaned up in the toy room yesterday.
1 - laundry basket, full of toys to get rid of.
4 - moments of begging, pleading and whining I heard while sorting toys.
5 - coat and pants pockets I searched before finally finding my husbands credit card - that I lost.
3 - number of rooms I've moved furniture around in this month.
30 - ideas my children have given me for Christmas gifts....
4 - the number of ideas I'm actually considering!
9 - laundry baskets I sorted yesterday.
5 - number of loads I washed so far...I'm dragging a bit.
4 - wonderful, handsome and loving men in my life!


Anonymous said...

Ok what movie was it and I would I find it funny...I think I may have laughed at one movie my entire life. I do not find movies funny...they are fake. So what was movie was funny?


My Kids Mom said...

Wow Debbi! You need to learn to let go a bit it sounds like....they are fake, but it is good for us to relax and enjoy the simple things sometimes lady! No, you wouldn't find it funny...at least I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Okay since both of you read my post what movie was it????
