Thursday, August 19, 2010

Now Recording

I'm going to make a recording of all the things I need to say to my children each day. I have begun to feel like a broken record.

Put your glasses on.
Where are your glasses?
Stop looking over your patch.
**These three phrases are heard at least 42 dozen times a day in our house.
Get out your pump.
Check your sugar.
Did you dose yourself?
It's 27 carbs....
**These phrases are also said multiple times a day...more than the glasses phrases I would venture to guess!

Some others...
Don't hit your brother.
Get your hands out of there.
Don't touch that.
Stop flipping over the furniture.
Quit jumping on the bed.
Put your sheets and pillowcases back on the bed.
Turn off the TV.
Stop whistling.
Stop yelling.
No you can't have a THIRD Popsicle.
Brush your teeth...with toothpaste...and water...and a toothbrush.
Wash your hands...did you wash your hands...your hands are disgusting.
Stop walking along the top of the couch.
Put that back.
No, you can't go to grandmas and play Wii.
No, we are NEVER buying a Wii...or any video game system for what it's worth.
You can't only eat peanut butter need other food to live.
No more junk.
Ouch...pick this up...the ouch is from where I've stepped on various Legos, Hot Wheel cars, etc.

Just a few of the things that I say on a daily basis. Makes you wonder why kids think I'm mean...I sure have to tell them no a whole lot!

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