Saturday, September 4, 2010


My middle boy is seven. Seven long years have passed since he came into this world - after a brief attempt at being born at 36 weeks - he held out until 39 weeks. He weighed in at a whopping 7lbs and 15ounces - 1 pound smaller than his big brother and ten days earlier! He cried right away and helped to put his momma's mind at ease. That day, my heart grew bigger than I thought it could. I was so concerned about how I'd love another person as much as I loved S...but it came naturally. I felt more at ease as a mother and better equipped to handle a newborn.

M, was NOT the easiest infant. He slept through the night around 8 weeks..not to shabby. He woke to eat every 4 hours through the night - which wasn't bad. During the day, for the first 12 weeks, it was another story! He was what my mother in law refers to as a "lap baby". He wanted to be held...all the time. Even holding him didn't always cut it. He was our fussy boy. After 3 or 4 months though, something changed. He turned into a content and easy going little one. He still is an easy going guy. Goes with the flow and often has fun by himself.

M, has a wonderfully vivd imagination. He is kind and protective of his little brother and shares his things quite well. He's HORRIBLY picky eater and extremely strong willed. He once sat at our kitchen table for 3.5 hours because he wouldn't eat a bite of banana!

He is extremely intelligent. He knew his letters and sounds by the age of two and taught himself to read by 4. He has surprised me many days with the things that he knows. His common sense though isn't quite up to par though!! He has often been seen wearing his shirt, inside out and backwards, his shoes on the wrong feet and his coat inside out! We are thankful, he's stopped wearing his pants backwards!

He has handled his diabetes with the grace and strength of a warrior. He rarely complains about his finger pokes and he's more than learned the functions of his pump. He still hates bloodwork..despite the frequency of it. He's small for his age...but has stayed on his growth curve.

I look forward to his healing in the near future.

Our life has been richly blessed, but the VERY unexpected arrival of Mr. M! He was not planned, but more than what we could have asked for!

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