Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All about O

"I can't see mine eyes mommy"...this was said to me while we were walking down a dark hallway.

He has also taken to naming his bowel movements and announcing the size of each one. Today, in fact, it was in the full mall bathroom.

O was so sad leaving his big brothers at school the other day! He cried and asked to stay with them. When I told him he couldn't stay, he begged for me to get them and bring them home.

His newest word: Nervous. Yes, nervous. My three year old has decided to start using the word, nervous. He also uses it in the right context!

His new favorite colors are black and blue. He only wants "black" things. Black doughnuts(chocolate), black Kool Aid (grape) or black suckers (root beer).

He has an obsession with: Diet Coke/Dr. Pepper and chocolate. He LOVES chocolate.

He is a fantastic puzzle builder.

He loves to "read" books too.

He has learned his name now. He sounds completely adoreable saying his full name! He also knows his brothers names!

When you ask him: "Whose boy are you?", his answer is ALWAYS, "Thomas" - as in the train. Not mommy or daddy, not even grandma or grandpa's boy. Thomas...sheesh.

He wants "twoof" of everything - which is two. We also drive a "lan" or van. I'll drive a "lan" if it gets better gas mileage!

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