Thursday, July 30, 2009


I had to ask a complete stranger if the Transformer lunch box I was holding had the Auto bots or the Deceptecon's (no, I don't know how to spell it)emblem on the front of assured, I picked the good guys!

I have taught O to point to his "crazy eye". He points to it and says "My crazy eye no sees good"...he then shows me his good eye and tells me that it "sees great". Yes, I'm a terrible mother that has her son calling his eye crazy. I'm certain his therapy bills will be extensive when he's older.

I was CONVINCED the other day that O had taken up cursing. I was close to grounding grandma from seeing the boy! He was telling me: "I itch it" sounded JUST like "I SH**"! I kept making him say it over and over until I figured it out!

M told S the other day: "You scared the DAYLIGHTS and the NIGHTLIGHTS" out of me! I loved it!

S was mistaken for a 10 year old the other day! Someone driving by (that we knew), thought that we had a friend over playing. He's getting so big!

I am shocked and dismayed at how quickly the summer has gone by. I have caved and bought a few school supplies with each pay. I was sickened to see them out the first week of July and swore I wouldn't buy ANY until mid or late August - but the deals have been to good to pass up - Transformers backpack & lunch box - $14!! Crayons - Crayola even for $0.19, notebooks for a nickel...can't beat those prices!

S would not stop whining about his undies not fitting. After tossing him countless pairs and NONE of them fitting right, he put back on his other pair. I went to the dryer to find him a new pair - yes, I had to go to the dryer to find a clean pair. I threw him a pair and he gave me the pair to check...sure enough, they would have been to big - they were a pair of his daddy's undies! How that happened, I'll never know!

I actually picked up and WORE clothes off of my bedroom floor today. Yes, I wore clothes off of my floor. I can't remember the last time I did that - college maybe?!?!

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