Wednesday, June 10, 2009


S was so concerned about the weather on Monday. It was field day and he didn't want it to rain - as was fore casted. He asked Matt if he asked God to make it not rain would God do it. Matt told him that God could make it not rain, and that it was ok for him to ask, but it still might rain if God says no.

We heard S in the living room, praying his sweet heart out. His prayers are deep and heart felt. He usually starts with "dearest our heavenly father" and proceeds to thank God for his blessings and then politely asks God for his request. He was saying: "please, please, PLEASE God, don't let it rain. Take the rain to, to, uh, to, anywhere that isn't Michigan". It was sweet.

It did rain that day, off and on. The school thankfully, still did field day indoors. The sun came out bright and shiny later on that day. We were driving to a birthday party and S said: "See mom, I guess God did answer my prayer, just a little bit later in the day". He makes me so proud.

I was cleaning the windows outside yesterday - God bless the makers of Windex Outdoor. I love that product. It makes cleaning the 13 or so windows outside much easier. The boys were outside with me for the majority of the cleaning. O decided that he wanted to go inside and wait for me to be done doing windows. O was standing inside of the screen door (which currently has the storm window in it) and watching me clean the door. He started cracking up...I looked to see what he was doing and he was standing up against the class with his mouth wide open. He was moving around with the water and trying to catch the water in his mouth...he looked a bit confused when none came through the glass. It was cute. His older brothers, saw me laughing, and of course decided they would go inside and do the same thing...somehow it wasn't as adorable.

I love that M & S, still refer to each other as Bud or Buddy. They hardly ever call each other by name and simply call each other "Bud" when they are playing, talking or even fighting. O isn't included on the "buddy" name tag though...poor guy. Hope he doesn't feel too left out. I was worried as the boys got older that they would stop calling each other that, but it has been several years and they are still doing it.

O has become our little chatterbox now. The boy who we thought would never talk, hardly ever stops. He even talks in his sleep now. Last night, he kept crying and yelling out. I went in to check on him and found him sitting up, crossed legged, staring at the wall. I asked him if everything was ok and he kind of looked right through me and said yes. I asked him if something hurt and he said yes. I asked him if his belly hurt - yes, his throat - yes, his head - yes, his hair - can see where that conversation was going. I layed him back down, covered him up and sat with him for a moment to see if he'd calmed down enough. After a moment, he started yelling - with his eyes closed - and shouting: "Give it back me"....he must have been fighting with his brother in his sleep.

I love that O is at the stage where he gets his words mixed up...for example:
"I catch you up" - I caught up with you.
"Give one me mom" - Give me one mom...of course this is preceeded and followed with a please and thank you.

He loves to tell me that he loves me and that I his favorite. It makes my heart boom when he walks up to me, grabs my face and says "I wuved you mommy"...he's such a lover.

Yesterday, he told Matt, "I bigga and bigga and bigga" (I'm bigger and bigger and bigger).

M has become our little hinter. Instead of coming right out and asking for something, we will often have a conversation like the one that occurred yesterday when M found a pack of Smarties:
M - Look what I found mommy
Me - Wow, that's great, Smarties
M - Whose are these
Me - I think they are one of your brothers
M - they sure look yummy
Me - yep
M - What do you think you are going to do with them
Me - nothing, put them away.
M - do you want to eat them?
Me - no, M, you can eat them....
M - so I can have them?

These conversations occur frequently. He'll say something like, "Man that cake looks good"...instead of just coming out and asking.

S, is almost done with first grade. He makes me so proud. He is at the top of his class still and as bright as can be. I am dumbfounded at how quickly the time is passing. I can remember his birth as if it were yesterday, yet I feel like I blinked and he's almost 7....

I love my boys...they make my life so full!


Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog...I totally understand the bigga words. I speak that language. Have a great day and thanks for the smiles.

suzanne said...

I love that M just beats around the bush instead of asking for what he really wants. Gavin does something like that. He'll say, "I can't have this, mom." and then he'll wait for me to confirm or tell him that he actually can. It's cute.