Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Camping Do's and Donts

Do cover yourself in MICHIGAN tattoos before you leave. It is imperative that you make your uncle who is a huge STATE fan, least according to my sons who covered themselves in U of M tats. I drew the line at tats on the forehead.
Do pack bug spray.

Don't bother to spray yourself with it because the mutant mosquito's we have this year are immune to it...even the kind with enough DEET to kill an elephant.

Do take the camper with the air conditioning...

Don't let your kids leave the door open all the time.

Do scream incessantly to "SHUT THE DOOR" to the kids while your camping...

Do feel like your parents for repeating the above a dozen and a half times an hour.

Don't let you four year old take himself to the bathroom in your RV...he will use a full roll of regular toilet paper...and that's bad. My nephew experienced this first hand.

Do let your kids go four wheeling with their uncles, daddy and cousins.

Don't be surprised when they come back covered in mud.

Don't be shocked when you have to wash your hair three times before the smell of the camp fire comes out of it.

Do enjoy sitting by a roaring fire with family and friends at night.

Don't leave a half eaten cake in a box on the picnic table...unless you purposely want the raccoons to eat it.

Do let your kids stay up WAY to late eating junk, drinking pop and playing with their cousins.

Don't be surprised when they still wake up early.

Do let your children have a Pepsi and a Popsicle for breakfast.

Don't deny it when they tell other people that you allowed this to take place.

Don't assume your feet will EVER be clean while your camping.

Don't wash egg leftovers down the sink.

Do take a shower in a campground shower...just so you can experience the smell/feel of well water.

Do take your portable DVD player.

Don't pay attention to people who say.."that's really roughing it".

Do pack several extra changes of clothes...not just for you children but for yourself.

Do not be surprised when you get home when you four year old still wants Pepsi and Popsicles for breakfast.

Do not assume when you see what appears to be a lovely campground pool, that it's actually a "lovely" pool. Do be shocked when you step on the ground of the pool and find it's uneven and clearly put over an area of cement that has been uneven, broken, cement.

Do sign up for the "speel", that gives you 14 free days of camping.

Do not be shocked when the 45 minute talk goes for 2.5 hours.

Do NOT buy the's a scam.

Do enjoy yourself and your family.

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