Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Little Man is FIVE

My baby is FIVE. When did this happen?!?! Where on earth did the time go?!? I cringe when I see the Kindergarten registration packet that is sitting on my desk right now. I took it from the school office last week and got choked up. How am I going to do this?

O's my little buddy. It's been just he and I for the last two years. We do everything together. We take naps, eat lunch, go shopping, read books. He's my sidekick. He's extremely easy going about a lot of things, which has made my life a whole lot easier. O, has been known to sit with me, in a hospital room, while we visit with my grandma, for 6 hours and not get into any trouble. We took a backpack with snacks, books, a few toys and a coloring book. Add the hospital TV and he was all set. He chatted with great grandma, colored, picked out a sandwich in the cafeteria, etc. He just goes with the flow.

He's got a temper on him, I assure you. He's spoiled in many ways - but he just does, well, whatever. He's like me in that aspect. I think O, can have fun doing just about anything. He's ok with a large or small group. He doesn't need a whole lot of "stuff" to keep him occupied. He's much more social than the older boys were at this age.

He's a ham. He's super silly. He's always talking in a silly voice. He loves to play pretend or to dress up as his favorite character. I'm corrected a dozen or so times a day when I call his name. "Mom, I'm Darth Vader, not O" or "I'm Nightwing Batman" changes often, sometimes within minutes.

He jumps everywhere. He has no "walking feet". We try, but I think he may be physically unable to walk. If he's not running or jumping, he's sleeping.

Everything has sound effects. Everything makes a laser gun or light saber. He's all boy.

He's also, tough as nails. This child can fall, slip, hit his head, twist his ankle, and smash his finger. He may cry for a second and then is over it. He doesn't want to stop moving long enough to deal with it. That being said...he does have a certain love affair with bandaids that is starting to get pricey.

He's had stitches once, his head glued once, and a home repair job on a few cuts that probably should have been "professionally" done. His brothers have never had ANY of these moments...not because they aren't as brave or daring, but because...well, I'm not sure why. He's also had his share of black eyes, bumps and bruises.

O has little to no fear - still. He'll jump off his swingset without thinking. In fact, just yesterday, I looked out of the corner of my eye, into the living room. I was standing at the kitchen sink, when I saw what looked to be, a blue shirted "bird" fly from my window sill across my living room. It was no bird, only a certain little boy who thought he'd try to fly. I assure you, NONE of my other children have stood on my window sill and "flew" across the room. I always tell Matt, I think, O may shorten my life span a bit.

He does have a few odd "fears" I suppose. He's still afraid of helium balloons and not a huge fan of regular balloons either. Someone tried to give him a balloon for his birthday - he politely declined. What kid turns down a balloon...mine. Birds are also not a big favorite of his. Why??? Who knows. I think it has something to do with the flock of seagulls that once dive bombed us in the Walmart parking lot. I had parked in a spot where someone had dumped french fries and those birds WANTED those fries I tell ya!

O is just a cool kid. Matt and I say that all the time. He's so different than his older brothers. In many aspects, he's a lot like me. I think he has a lot of my personality. O was not planned and came a bit earlier than planned, but he has added such joy and depth to our lives. He was a great surprise!

O has added a new and fun dimesion to our family. He's outnumbered us. He tipped the scales in the kids favor. Matt and I our officialy outnumbered!

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