Monday, November 1, 2010


Sometimes, I feel like I'm flying by the seat of my pants.
Sometimes, My kids make me want to laugh, cry, scream and hug them...all in a span of 10 minutes.
Sometimes, I have NO idea what I'm doing.
Sometimes, I feel like I'll never catch up.
Sometimes, I think I'm too lazy.
Sometimes, I spend money I shouldn't spend.
Sometimes, I get REALLY excited when I get a great sale on something AND I have coupons.
Sometimes, I'm secretly proud that my boys ask if stuff is on sale and if I have a coupon for it!
Sometimes, I ignore my kids.
Sometimes, I feel guilty for ignoring my kids.
Sometimes, I enjoy doing ANYTHING alone...even if it's just going to the grocery store.
Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed with responsibility.
Sometimes, I feel like too many people depend on me.
Sometimes, I am amazed at my children's abilities.
Sometimes, I feel crazy.
Sometimes, I think I have it figured out...then I realize I'm wrong.
Sometimes, I take things for granted.
Sometimes, I say things I shouldn't.
Sometimes, I'm scared...of everything.
Sometimes, I let my mind run away with itself and don't trust in the Lord's protection.
Sometimes, I lack faith.
Sometimes, I'm rude.
Sometimes, I laugh until I get a headache.
Sometimes, I let my kids eat candy for breakfast.
Sometimes, I forget to set meat out for dinner...on purpose.
Sometimes, I take my husband for granted.

1 comment:

H. said...

Love the new pic of the boys, they are sometimes, I mean ALWAYS adorable!!!