Tuesday, November 9, 2010

S announced that he'd like to move to Virginia. We told him that we would be far away from our family here and he said...that's ok. They can just come and visit. Typical male...

M was at a party with us. There was a boy at the party who was tormenting him all night. Finally, after M had enough, he walked up to us and said: "Can someone just TELEPORT that kid outta here!"...and then walked away.

I was getting ready to drop O off at work with Matt on a Saturday. The older boys were already there helping him to some things. When we were getting ready to leave, O asked if daddy's black teacher was going to be there...I stopped for a minute, stunned and trying to figure out what he was talking about. Our older boys still haven't differentiated or called attention to skin color so we were a little surprised. After a few questions, I figured out who he was talking about. I told him what his name was and that we would call him that. O looked at me and smiled and said: "I hope he's there. I love him. I love black...it's my favorite color"

A few days ago, O was telling me that daddy plays trains with him. I've been feeling guilty lately about spending enough "quality" time with the boys, so I asked O what I do with him...he told me...sit on the couch. YIKES!! Score one for the mommy guilt.

The boys continue to do well in school. I love S's papers...105% on a Social Studies test, 106% on a spelling test...and he's getting A's on his Math tests too!
M is breezing through in his typical fashion. He still says he's bored and that the work is too easy - but he loves that he gets three recesses still.
O has been doing work with me at home and is learning the rest of his letters. I fear he's a little behind where the older boys are...in fact, I know he's behind M. M was reading by this age. I know all kids are different though. For all the letter knowledge O lacks, he has twice the common sense of his older brothers.

M's diabetes seems to be under good control and the doctors don't seem concerned with his B12 levels anymore. I think it was more of an oddity that they wanted to check out than anything.

All in all, we are a blessed family. We want for nothing - the Lord has continued to provide for us above and beyond what we need.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Sometimes, I feel like I'm flying by the seat of my pants.
Sometimes, My kids make me want to laugh, cry, scream and hug them...all in a span of 10 minutes.
Sometimes, I have NO idea what I'm doing.
Sometimes, I feel like I'll never catch up.
Sometimes, I think I'm too lazy.
Sometimes, I spend money I shouldn't spend.
Sometimes, I get REALLY excited when I get a great sale on something AND I have coupons.
Sometimes, I'm secretly proud that my boys ask if stuff is on sale and if I have a coupon for it!
Sometimes, I ignore my kids.
Sometimes, I feel guilty for ignoring my kids.
Sometimes, I enjoy doing ANYTHING alone...even if it's just going to the grocery store.
Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed with responsibility.
Sometimes, I feel like too many people depend on me.
Sometimes, I am amazed at my children's abilities.
Sometimes, I feel crazy.
Sometimes, I think I have it figured out...then I realize I'm wrong.
Sometimes, I take things for granted.
Sometimes, I say things I shouldn't.
Sometimes, I'm scared...of everything.
Sometimes, I let my mind run away with itself and don't trust in the Lord's protection.
Sometimes, I lack faith.
Sometimes, I'm rude.
Sometimes, I laugh until I get a headache.
Sometimes, I let my kids eat candy for breakfast.
Sometimes, I forget to set meat out for dinner...on purpose.
Sometimes, I take my husband for granted.