Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mouth of Babes

O, asked me last week if I could change his brain to blue. He informed me that he was done having it red and would like me to paint it blue. Alrighty then.

M, after getting all ready for picture day at school, looked int he mirror and proclaimed...WOW, I really look like a man mom!

S, told me that my idea for his costume this year was, in no uncertain terms, LAME. Lame...seriously. He's 8...isn't everything lame when your 8?!?!

O, told me that when he grew up he wanted to be big like me. When I told him, he would probably be bigger than mommy, he said, he wanted to be big and fat just like me. Yep...big and fat.

M, informed us that all of the kids think his shoes are "sweet" and that is why they all play with him and want to follow him around. He's also convinced that it their was a power outage or a lock down drill that they would call on him to have his "sweet Sketcher Illuminators", lead the way through the dark!

O, told us that his favorite Grandma is Grandma Venita...not because she loves him or spends time with him or anything like's because she has a "Hi phone" - translated I phone.

S, told us that he was moving in with some family friends. When I asked him why...his answer was simple - they have TWO I phones, a Wii, lots of ice cream, and a HUGE snack basket that you can get stuff out of whenever you want. I told him I wanted to move in there too. He didn't think it was funny.

Just a FEW of the things my kiddies have been saying lately.

1 comment:

H. said...

haha thanks for sharing! i love it!