Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Rambling Post

O, shouted out the window the other day, to the boys principal no less...."See ya wouldn't wanna be ya"! Yep, that's my 4 year old.

M, after dancing like a maniac at my brothers wedding, was walking to the car with me. I stopped him and told him that he was a dancing fool. He looked at me, with all seriousness and told me: "Mom, I told ya I got the moves!". He does have the moves too!

O has taken to asking, since we drove through 6 states in 12 hours, on the way to my brothers wedding, if we are in Michigan all the time. If we drive for more than 10 minutes, he wants to know if we are still in MI. Poor kids confused I think!

The boys were great travelers. I'm quite sure they did better than Matt and I!

I wish I didn't struggle so much with motion sickness. I find it is getting increasingly worse. I hate it.

I've decided that my dream home will have a first floor laundry room and two bathrooms. My wants are simple.

I've become increasingly grateful for my husband. The man works hard and comes home and plays with our children, helps around the house AND is working on his Masters.
The Lord has richly blessed me with a wonderful husband and father.

We can't decide on whether or not we should get the boys DS's for Christmas this year. We are pretty anti video game around here, but think that having these little games might be nice for the kids. We'd have to put some strict limits on them with the boys....who knows. I will ashamedly admit, that in the back of my mind, I've thought it would give me leverage as a punishment sometimes. I'm a mean mom.

I'm thrilled that we've found another babysitter. A responsible young lady from church, who is able to care for M's needs. She grew up with a mother who had Type 1 diabetes, as well as an insulin pump. She's no stranger to the signs and symptoms of hypo/hyperglycemia. It's so wonderful to have someone else to call for help!

I bought my boys a $5 movie while away for the wedding. It was Flushed Away. We'd never seen it. I think my boys watched it 4 times on the way home. I've never heard such belly laughing in all my life. I love that sound...except for when we've been in the car for 11 plus hours....then it gets a little old.

I love Glee, but was a bit "put off", but their photo shoot for GQ, though not surprised. I was MORE outraged, by the fact that, a photo that my sons would have NEVER seen, a photo that was meant for a magazine that we would never purchase, was plastered all over my TV screen all day long, on channels that are often on for us to check weather and such. At one point, I had to quickly turn it off when I saw my 8 year old son glued to the TV set.

I also had an interesting conversation with my boys last week. They had some questions about someone that we saw at my brothers wedding. There were some questions as to a guests gender and the way that they were behaving. The kids wanted to know why a boy would want to look and act like a girl. I was thankful, after a brief prayer, that I was able to answer the boys in a way I felt proper. I told them, in a nutshell, that we should be thankful for the gender that God made us. That he made boys to act/look like boys, etc. I told them that we need to be sure that we act/dress like the sex that we are as well. I was also sure to tell them that although we don't agree with their choice, we don't hate people who choose that life style, nor do we make fun of them or call them names. They responded very well.

I am happy with the pictures I was able to get of my brothers wedding and of our boys while we were there. It was fun to be able to get some nice pictures of my children, instead of someone elses for a change!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mouth of Babes

O, asked me last week if I could change his brain to blue. He informed me that he was done having it red and would like me to paint it blue. Alrighty then.

M, after getting all ready for picture day at school, looked int he mirror and proclaimed...WOW, I really look like a man mom!

S, told me that my idea for his costume this year was, in no uncertain terms, LAME. Lame...seriously. He's 8...isn't everything lame when your 8?!?!

O, told me that when he grew up he wanted to be big like me. When I told him, he would probably be bigger than mommy, he said, he wanted to be big and fat just like me. Yep...big and fat.

M, informed us that all of the kids think his shoes are "sweet" and that is why they all play with him and want to follow him around. He's also convinced that it their was a power outage or a lock down drill that they would call on him to have his "sweet Sketcher Illuminators", lead the way through the dark!

O, told us that his favorite Grandma is Grandma Venita...not because she loves him or spends time with him or anything like's because she has a "Hi phone" - translated I phone.

S, told us that he was moving in with some family friends. When I asked him why...his answer was simple - they have TWO I phones, a Wii, lots of ice cream, and a HUGE snack basket that you can get stuff out of whenever you want. I told him I wanted to move in there too. He didn't think it was funny.

Just a FEW of the things my kiddies have been saying lately.