Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Momma Bear

I'd like to use my blog for a brief rant.  Yes.  I've been horrible at keeping up with it.  I'm going to vow to write more.  If no one reads it...it's ok.  It's mostly for memories.  It's the best way for me to remember things my kids do and say.  So...to my invisible readers...I pledge to blog more.  Feel free to hold me to that.

Now on to my rant.

M has a wonderful nurse who takes care of him at school.  We love her.  We were nervous leaving the wonderful woman who took care of him in Michigan.  She is a saint.  I never worried with M in her care.  She became a dear friend to our family and will always hold a special place in our heart.  I can't explain how refreshing it is, as a parent of a child with a chronic illness, to have someone you can leave your child in the care of and not worry.  We have that again here in Jersey.

However, even wonderful people have to take a sick day now and then.  Enter the "Substitute Nurse".  Apparently, these types of nurses are hard to come by.  I guess there isn't a line of qualified nurses just standing by to sub for schools....maybe the pay is bad.  Maybe no one wants to clean up after kids who puke and pee their pants.  Handing out band aids and ice packs like they are going out of style can't be fun either.

Sub nurse was there today.  He was in all his glory...non matching scrubs and all.  Our regular nurse NEVER wears scrubs.  She always wear lovely outfits.  Nice clothing and good shoes.  This dude wears scrubs and ugly black shoes.  He also talks funny.  Almost creepy sounding.  He moves at a turtle's pace too.  He's in no hurry to get anywhere...ever.  All of these things would be fine with me though...IF he knew how to do his job properly.

I am NOT a mean person by nature.  Mistreat me.  Don't give me the proper care.  That's fine.  Treat my child wrong and it's on.

We've had a few small instances with this man - as have two other "diabetic parents" in the district.  Small little issues that haven't been too big - but I've mentioned them so that it's known to the "powers that be".  Today was a BIG issue.  Momma was mad.  Daddy was even more angry.  Daddy however doesn't dwell on it.  He said his peace and has moved on.  I feel the need to "rant'.  He's probably a better person than me.

Today went as follows:
*Pack Max's lunch and include carb count as usual.
*Walk down the hallway on my way to work and see "Nurse Dummy Face" sitting at the desk.  Groan quietly.
*Receive my "end of the day" phone call with M's numbers and dosing for the day.
*Listen to message.  Almost freak out.  Walk quickly to nurses office.
*Ask Dummy Face:  Did you really give my son TEN units of insulin for a 250 blood sugar.  TEN...as in 10.  He walks - at a turtles pace - to get the log book.  Checks book and says the following:  That's what I wrote down.  I thought it sounded like a lot of insulin to, but that's what HE said the pump said to give him.
*I say - there is NO way you gave him 10 units and he's still standing.  You must have misheard him.  Him...yeah I guess.
*I then notice in the log book that his blood sugar was 69 at lunch and that their was no correction bolus given for the carbs in his lunch.
*I ask DF...did you dose him for his 75 carb lunch?  Him:  Was I supposed to?  Me:  Ummm..Yes.
****What I wanted to say here was...Are you a real nurse?  Like a nurse to people...you went to school for this....Diabetes...do you know this condition?
*He then proceeds to tell me that he sent my son, low blood sugar and all, to the lunch room to eat his lunch.  No recheck after lunch...nothing.  Proper protocol in this instance is to treat the low sugar, recheck and THEN send him on his way.  Hypothetically speaking...M could continue to drop quickly and pass our before he ever reaches the lunch room.
*He then tells me that he didn't know how he should handle the low blood sugar and dosing for his lunch....do you not have a phone in the office here?  My phone number is plastered all over everything. You have EXTREMELY detailed health care plan for my son.  It walks you through step by step.  A trained monkey can do this...just not a trained nurse apparently.
*I tell him that his pump takes all of that into account...including his low sugar.  If you follow the detailed instructions that are nicely typed out on the paper in front of your face...you would see this.
*He's shocked and pleasantly surprised at the wonderful things this magic device can do.  He has no idea how to use said pump.  He's a nurse.  Trained to care for diabetic kids.  He has instructions.  He has a phone....
*He then tells me that M's end of the day number was really high - 366 - and he didn't know if he should dose him or not.  FOR REAL DUDE?!?!  Would you like him to go ALL DAY without insulin?!?  That always turns out well.  DKA anyone?!?!

The entire conversation he kept alluding to "He said"...yes, I realize my son has been a diabetic for almost 6 years....the fact remains that he's NINE.  Yes, 9.  He's great at handling his care most days.  Some days though he's too stuck in his "ninja" or "pokemon" world to do much else than make up stories about fighting the enemy or training pokemon to do much else.  That is why there are adults around.  To help him.  He's a kid.  You are the adult.  You are being paid to help him...not vice verse.

To top it all off, he once again added that he understands because he's a Type 2 Diabetic.  Folks, in case you don't know...don't EVER say that to a diabetic parent.  It's not the same.  It's not treated the same.  Many Type 2's can go for ever without insulin.  My kid will die without it.  A Type 2 can exercise and work off the carbs from their food...my kid can run until he's blue in the face and his sugar may or may not go down.  In fact, on some days it'll go up.  He can't take a pill.  He can't lose weight and it'll go away.  It's different.

Even if it were the same - which it's not - everyone needs to be treated in their own way.  No two people respond the same way to medication.  That is why you have that detailed folder with my kids plan in it.  It even has his picture on the folder and on the papers inside...just in case you get confused about which kid he is.

Tonight an email went out.  Some may judge it to be harsh or to quick to act...we don't care what you think.  Sorry.  The email stated clearly that he is no longer to touch our child.  He will not be handling his care while he is working.  I'm at the school every day for work and to volunteer.  I'll take care of him.

You messed up with the wrong kid this time dude.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Who moves to New Jersey?!?!

We do. That's right. All five of us, and our stinky cat, George, packed up all of our earthly belongings - at least the ones that would fit in a UHaul, travel trailer, truck and mini van, and we headed East...for about 9 hours. The drive took FAR longer than the 9 hours our GPS told us, but we made it safely. 

Matt took a new position for a school out here in NJ. We prayed and talked about it. We sought wise counsel...we prayed some more...I cried and then we both declared that the right thing for us to do at this point in our life was to take this next step of faith. I'm constantly asked, do you know someone out here...my answer: "Not a soul". I've had the opportunity to meet and befriend another young wife and mother who also relocated to Jersey from Michigan just a few years ago. For someone as social as me, this has been quite a change.

 I'm certain I will adjust as well as our kids have soon, but for now, I've kept a bit to myself and enjoyed making our new house a home. I've found there are several pluses to living in NJ. Actually, most of the things about this area are wonderful.

 There is just one BIG FAT negative...no family or loved ones here! Well two really - no family and the extremely high cost of living on the East Coast. I LOVE that where our new home is, we are no more than 1.5 hours from anything and everything you could ever want to do. Oceans, New York, mountains, theme parks, water parks, lakes, forests, and etc. You name it - it's here (or in PA or NY). 

Our new home (rental property), is lovely. It's a large home. Much larger than our home in MI and quite nice. It sits at the top of a high street in the middle of the woods. Our street is full of children and our kids have made fast friends with many of them. They disappear outside for hours at a time. They run and play and get dirty and I love it.  In fact, I can hear them running and yelling outside right now with some friends..although it's odd what you hear boys say when they are running and playing.  Things like...EVERYBODY DOWN...IT'S A BOMB or I'M GOING TO SHOOT...thankfully, we all know it's kid out there!

People don't move the Jersey.  They move to places like California or Florida...not Jersey.  We really have been pleasantly surprised.  It's NOTHING like the crazy folks on Jersey Shore.  In fact, most people here are ashamed to admit that they film that show here!  Most folks are just as nice and friendly as you'd expect.  I grew up in MI so it's not as if, I'm coming from the South where everyone is friendly and full of smiles.  I'm used to rude folks on occasion and haven't encountered too many of them.

So...We moved to Jersey.

Birth Order

I know a lot of folks don't put much stock in the whole "birth order" theory. The one that puts certain characteristics to certain children based on where they are in their birth order. There are lots of little things that change the order that is applied to you too.

 For instance, my husband, is 7 years older than his younger brother. Anything more than 5 years can change the traits. Matt can either take on the traits of the middle sibling or the baby of the family. His youngest brother can either take on the traits of a baby or only child.

 It's all quite fascinating and not nearly as confusing as it sounds. All that being said, it's not concrete by any stretch of the imagination. It's been disputed for years. It is, just as it says, a theory. I listed a few of the traits below:

 Oldest: The oldest sibling is the most independent and also the most responsible of the group. They are natural born leaders and can be control freaks. They strive for perfection, and thrive on approval of authority figures, like mom and dad. They tend to do well in school, their careers, and life in general. The oldest child is also the most likely to be the most successful of the bunch, and might make more money as an adult than other siblings. The first born might end up in an occupational area such as engineering, architecture, or accounting.
 Middle: The middle child, who feels deprived of attention worries about being over-looked, and tends to be the most rebelliant as a youngster. These people are the compromisers of the world, and enjoy pleasing others. They enjoy working in groups and feeling like they belong, and are good at making friends and getting along with others. These children tend to flock to occupations that are more people oriented than their older siblings.
 Youngest: The youngest child generally is the most artistic of the group. They are also most likely to be the class clown, since they will do just about anything for attention, and usually are characterized as the show-off of the family. The last born also tends to be a bad decision maker and a very impatient person who tends to get bored rather easily.
 I did all that to get to my point...seems kind of long to make a point or share a story.

 I am a typical first born - well right up until that part about being an engineer and making lots of money. I guess, I'm a "Home Engineer" or sorts. My siblings could almost all fall right into their designated spots right behind me. You could probably do a case study on my family and use it to prove all of these theories correct.

 My husbands family though is a little different. His oldest brother is definitely the first born and carries most of those traits. My husband takes on traits of both the middle and the youngest though. So - birth order and why I'm writing this...

 Yesterday, M finally lost another tooth. The kid is going to be 9 in two days and has only lost 5 teeth. S hasn't lost much more than him at 10 and O...he hasn't lost any. I was thankful that the tooth finally fell out. His hands have been in his mouth non stop for a week and it's gross. M's teeth are jacked up anyhow. I'm certain we will spend a fortune at the orthodontist in the next few years on him - a trait I'm blaming on his daddy and his genes. The kids has teeth totally grown in behind teeth that haven't fallen out..he looks like a shark!

 The kids are all ready for bed. No other reminders of the lost tooth have been said throughout the day. This is dangerous for the "tooth fairy". The "fairy" often has lots of other stuff on her mind. Important things like: did I switch the laundry or will it really be a HUGE problem if I leave that dirty pan on the stove overnight...not, I'd better get that tooth and leave a prize. I think everyone is sound asleep and tucked in bed. Matt and I were finishing the bathroom faucet and looking forward to sitting down to relax when I hear S say: "Mom, don't forget, M lost his tooth today and he'll be waiting for the tooth fairy". I thanked him for the reminder and then went to scrounge up a dollar or two. I finally found a dollar on the table in the living room. I'm not sure who the dollar belonged to. For all I know, I gave M, his own dollar! That's how we roll around here sometimes folks.

 I thought about how much like the oldest S is. He thinks he's 42 and much smarter than both his father and I. He's a control freak. He does wonderfully in school and never has any problems there. He's the birth order trait. He'll be the brother who reminds his younger siblings to grab a coat. He'll probably always have extra stuff on him if anyone needs it. I'm hoping as they outgrow the fighting stage and grow into appreciating each other a little more, he'll become the one who watches out for his brothers. He's quite responsible too. I trust him to do many things - which in turn means I often rely on him too much.

This made me think of my relationship with my siblings. I laughed and thought that this is just what it's like with us. I'm always the one who had extra snacks, diapers, wipes and toys in the diaper bag because I was certain Nancy wouldn't have enough or wouldn't think about it. Cold night trick or treating...don't worry, Auntie Beth has 5 extra pair of gloves. Your hungry...go to Beth's house. She's always stocked with good food. I stayed the protector. I was the party thrower...kid needs a birthday cake. I'll make him one. The problem is...this didn't all stem from my unending desire to help and nurture as much as I'm a control freak! Things need to go a certain way and if I have all the bases covered then it's a step in the right direction.

 If birth order continues to hold true I may be in trouble with O! Although, M doesn't seem to follow the middle child traits very much at all, O is definitely the youngest. He's really easy going for the baby of the family - but he's the youngest one...right up to being the class clown!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I am just horrid at keeping up on this blog. I remember when I would post daily - or at least weekly. One of two things have obviously happened: I've either gotten two busy with the daily things of life OR our life just isn't that exciting anymore. Maybe, it's a little bit of both.

We are thankful for a new year. The boys still remain healthy - not counting the occasional bout of strep throat or a cold. Max's diabetes is still well controlled and we've been able to avoid thyroid medication again.

I'm a horrible mother for multiple reasons:
1 - my children have not been to the dentist in almost a year.
2 - I'm pretty sure we've eaten junk for dinner on more than one occasion in the last two months.
3 - I can't remember the last time I gave any of my children a vitamin.
4 - I don't always remember to MAKE them brush their teeth twice a day...in fact, some days, I'm not sure I remember to remind them once. Gross I know. I'm thankful, I can remember to at least brush mine.

O was sent to the office again. This time for kissing two kids in his class. They said the kiss was not an issue. It was just that he has to learn that he can't just walk around kissing people I guess. He didn't get in trouble at home - in fact, it was all I could do at the school to not burst into laughter.

O continues to learn and grasp new concepts quickly. I love listening to him read and seeing the stories that he writes in school. My favorite one was his story about the squares. He drew a picture of a single square and said..."the square is lonely". He drew three more squares and said: "The square found two friends"....that was the extent of his story. I love his imagination and thought process.

S has had lots of questions lately about the end of the world. I remember feeling the same way when I was his age. I was always afraid I wouldn't be able to grow up and get married. I wanted children. I also remember feeling guilt for not wanting Jesus to come back before those things happened. I still would love to see my children graduate and get married and have children...but I digress.

S has had lots of good questions. Many we don't have the answers for. We have relied heavily on: We trust that God will take care of us and only He knows when He will choose to return so we have to be sure our hearts are ready. For know he seems ok with that answer.

M continues to be an emotional hot mess. Eight is just a rough age all around. My sweet, cooperative little boy has turned into a whiny, screaming banche. It's not pretty. He can go from 0-60 in a second. He always feels horrible after he calms down from his fits - which have been known to last for close to an hour. He apologizes, without being prompted and tells us he loves us a million times afterwards. Matt and I are working on consistency and patience as we deal with these behaviors, but it's tough.

Matt often works long days so it's a little tougher on the boys and I some nights. All of our patience wears thin on those days. We are thankful for Matt and the hard work that he does each day to provide for our family - but we sure do miss him!

I'm staying busy doing a little bit of everything...photography, subbing, crocheting, making headbands, being a wife and a mother...a jack of all trades I guess. I have lots of fun ideas spinning in my head and don't always bring them all to fruition but when I do, I get really excited!

That's about the extent of our simple life right now - which is just fine with me!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Say What

I clearly have been horribly about keeping up on my blog. I always say, I need to write that down before I forget...sadly, I forget. Lot's of growing and changing has taken place in our home in the last few months.
O, has started school. My baby is in kindergarten. I am a sad momma! A proud momma, but a sad one.
M, has turned 8. The age, I'm convinced is straight from the devil. There is something about 8. It's NOT my favorite age, at all.
S, is 9 and growing like a weed. If I had to guess, I'd say he'll be as tall as me in another year or so - not that being as tall as me is any type of great accomplishment.

The boys have said and done some silly, funny and well, odd things...
S, thought he was being helpful, and decided to empty the fire pit. I, without thinking, told him to just empty the ashes into the trash at that back of the garage. No problem...except for the small fact that we had a fire less than 12 hours before. Fast forward two hours, I look across the street (while at my moms) and notice smoke coming from behind the garage. Sprint - yes, fat girls can sprint when they need to -my house. My garage is on fire - thankfully, just the back of it. A passerby saw the smoke and called the fire department. They were there and had the fire out in just a few minutes. I, felt like a major moron - but they were kind and assured me that this type of thing happens all the time...I don't believe them.

O, after just a few short weeks of school, was sent to the principals office. Yes, my 5 year old. He felt the need to color his arms, add a mustache to his already adorable face, and color his entire tongue blue. Although, his teacher, the principal and myself, found this event to be quite funny, he still lost Wii and computer for the day. The principal informed me that she didn't think that would be the last time she'd see little man in her office!

M, is FULL of imagination. He's always battling someone, building LEGO's or writing stories. He has a HUGE imagination! Most recently, while messing around in the morning, Matt told them to stop messing around on the bed and get dressed. M, did not heed this warning and continued to play. MAtt grabbed the blanket and yanked it off of him. M jumped up and proclaimed: "SHOW YOURSELF YOU PHANTOM"...."I AM THE EASTER BUNNY". This proclamation was met with hysterical laughter from MAtt and I, and a reminder that it was time to get ready for school.

Matt signed, M's planner the other night before school. M looked at it and asked: "What is this...some sort of Chinese symbol for Thisse?!?!"

O, told his teacher that he was going to "eat her up". She said, that must mean that you like me O. He said: "Nope, it means that I LOVE you"!

O, told a friend of ours that he had a girlfriend at school. He said, she's his girlfriend because he pretends to be Sonic the Hedgehog and she pretends to be Amy...oh, if dating could only stay that simple!

There are some expressions and words that my boys get wrong. I hate to correct them because they are so cute and they will only be little for such a short time...S still has 2 that he has a hard time with.
"You scared me out of the daylights" - you scared the daylights out of me
"Pacifically" - he means specifically.
I love that he wants to use big words...although he is 9...maybe I should start correcting just a little bit more

Monday, August 29, 2011


I don't proofread my blog.
I have horrible grammar and spelling.
I often misuse the words: your and you're.
I don't wash my hair every day.
I often leave my dirty clothes on the floor.
I never put my vacuum away...I have come to see it as room "decor".
I yell at my kids...I've even told them to "shut up" on more than one occasion.
I spend too much time on the computer.
I'm a photographer...but I don't really know what I'm doing half the time.
I HATE unloading the dishwasher.
I despise when people sleep without pillowcases or sheets on their beds. I find it disgusting - but remember, I don't wash my hair every day, so...
I would home school my kids if my husband would allow it.
If I home schooled my children, they would NOT be smart.
I hardly ever cry.
I hate when people sing to their spouses at their weddings...or to me...it makes me laugh.
I am not romantic...at all.

11 Years

Matt and I just "celebrated" the 14th anniversary of our first date. 14 years together. Our first date, was a result of, me agreeing to do Matt's laundry. Yes, all my woman's lib fans, I agreed to do Matt's laundry, in exchange for dinner and a movie. 14 years later, and I'm still doing his laundry - and he's still buying me dinner and taking me to movies. I think it was the best load of laundry I ever did!

In June, we celebrated 11 years of marriage. I don't always feel old enough to have been married for 11 years...sometimes. When I stop to think that we both were 21 when we got married, I believe we really aren't quite old enough to be married that long! I can't even begin to think about my boys being married at 21!! I cringe at the thought, but, we were ready.

I love Matt, more today, then I ever thought I would. I love him with a love more true and deep than I thought possible. We still laugh at God's timing for our marriage.

Grew up at rival high schools. Lived less then 7 miles apart our whole lives. We met in Florida, while both on our senior trips. My grandma actually cut his picture out of the newspaper for me before I left for college. She pointed out how handsome he was and how we would maybe meet at college. I quickly pointed out to her, how I'd already met him and that he was a dork. I also informed her that with 3,000 freshmen, we'd never meet. Less then a week at school and there he is!! Almost 700 miles from home, and I meet the man I'm going to marry!!

In our 11 years of marriage we've had a lot of experiences...not all good...but all things that brought us closer to each other and to the Lord.
*A miscarriage
*A year of infertility
*Three sons
*A serious bout of post partum depression, aniexty, OCD and panic disorder
*Almost losing my father in law twice - once to an anerysism and once to a serious fall.
*The loss of a job
*Serious pay cut
*HUGE promotions
*Purchasing 2 homes
*A son diagnosed with a chronic illness
And many more events in our life - both wonderful and trying. Through each one, we've clung to each other and our faith in Christ. Together, we've come out on the other side, strong and rejoicing in God's blessings on us and our marriage.

Just recently, Matt and I went on a date. We went to ship a package at UPS, Target for bread and dish soap, Kroger and out to dinner. In that time, we talked, laughed, high fived and had a great time. It dawned on us, later that evening, that we not only had a fantastic time, but that we had a fantastic time doing nothing, together!

I love our simple life!!