I'd like to use my blog for a brief rant. Yes. I've been horrible at keeping up with it. I'm going to vow to write more. If no one reads it...it's ok. It's mostly for memories. It's the best way for me to remember things my kids do and say. So...to my invisible readers...I pledge to blog more. Feel free to hold me to that.
Now on to my rant.
M has a wonderful nurse who takes care of him at school. We love her. We were nervous leaving the wonderful woman who took care of him in Michigan. She is a saint. I never worried with M in her care. She became a dear friend to our family and will always hold a special place in our heart. I can't explain how refreshing it is, as a parent of a child with a chronic illness, to have someone you can leave your child in the care of and not worry. We have that again here in Jersey.
However, even wonderful people have to take a sick day now and then. Enter the "Substitute Nurse". Apparently, these types of nurses are hard to come by. I guess there isn't a line of qualified nurses just standing by to sub for schools....maybe the pay is bad. Maybe no one wants to clean up after kids who puke and pee their pants. Handing out band aids and ice packs like they are going out of style can't be fun either.
Sub nurse was there today. He was in all his glory...non matching scrubs and all. Our regular nurse NEVER wears scrubs. She always wear lovely outfits. Nice clothing and good shoes. This dude wears scrubs and ugly black shoes. He also talks funny. Almost creepy sounding. He moves at a turtle's pace too. He's in no hurry to get anywhere...ever. All of these things would be fine with me though...IF he knew how to do his job properly.
I am NOT a mean person by nature. Mistreat me. Don't give me the proper care. That's fine. Treat my child wrong and it's on.
We've had a few small instances with this man - as have two other "diabetic parents" in the district. Small little issues that haven't been too big - but I've mentioned them so that it's known to the "powers that be". Today was a BIG issue. Momma was mad. Daddy was even more angry. Daddy however doesn't dwell on it. He said his peace and has moved on. I feel the need to "rant'. He's probably a better person than me.
Today went as follows:
*Pack Max's lunch and include carb count as usual.
*Walk down the hallway on my way to work and see "Nurse Dummy Face" sitting at the desk. Groan quietly.
*Receive my "end of the day" phone call with M's numbers and dosing for the day.
*Listen to message. Almost freak out. Walk quickly to nurses office.
*Ask Dummy Face: Did you really give my son TEN units of insulin for a 250 blood sugar. TEN...as in 10. He walks - at a turtles pace - to get the log book. Checks book and says the following: That's what I wrote down. I thought it sounded like a lot of insulin to, but that's what HE said the pump said to give him.
*I say - there is NO way you gave him 10 units and he's still standing. You must have misheard him. Him...yeah I guess.
*I then notice in the log book that his blood sugar was 69 at lunch and that their was no correction bolus given for the carbs in his lunch.
*I ask DF...did you dose him for his 75 carb lunch? Him: Was I supposed to? Me: Ummm..Yes.
****What I wanted to say here was...Are you a real nurse? Like a nurse to people...you went to school for this....Diabetes...do you know this condition?
*He then proceeds to tell me that he sent my son, low blood sugar and all, to the lunch room to eat his lunch. No recheck after lunch...nothing. Proper protocol in this instance is to treat the low sugar, recheck and THEN send him on his way. Hypothetically speaking...M could continue to drop quickly and pass our before he ever reaches the lunch room.
*He then tells me that he didn't know how he should handle the low blood sugar and dosing for his lunch....do you not have a phone in the office here? My phone number is plastered all over everything. You have EXTREMELY detailed health care plan for my son. It walks you through step by step. A trained monkey can do this...just not a trained nurse apparently.
*I tell him that his pump takes all of that into account...including his low sugar. If you follow the detailed instructions that are nicely typed out on the paper in front of your face...you would see this.
*He's shocked and pleasantly surprised at the wonderful things this magic device can do. He has no idea how to use said pump. He's a nurse. Trained to care for diabetic kids. He has instructions. He has a phone....
*He then tells me that M's end of the day number was really high - 366 - and he didn't know if he should dose him or not. FOR REAL DUDE?!?! Would you like him to go ALL DAY without insulin?!? That always turns out well. DKA anyone?!?!
The entire conversation he kept alluding to "He said"...yes, I realize my son has been a diabetic for almost 6 years....the fact remains that he's NINE. Yes, 9. He's great at handling his care most days. Some days though he's too stuck in his "ninja" or "pokemon" world to do much else than make up stories about fighting the enemy or training pokemon to do much else. That is why there are adults around. To help him. He's a kid. You are the adult. You are being paid to help him...not vice verse.
To top it all off, he once again added that he understands because he's a Type 2 Diabetic. Folks, in case you don't know...don't EVER say that to a diabetic parent. It's not the same. It's not treated the same. Many Type 2's can go for ever without insulin. My kid will die without it. A Type 2 can exercise and work off the carbs from their food...my kid can run until he's blue in the face and his sugar may or may not go down. In fact, on some days it'll go up. He can't take a pill. He can't lose weight and it'll go away. It's different.
Even if it were the same - which it's not - everyone needs to be treated in their own way. No two people respond the same way to medication. That is why you have that detailed folder with my kids plan in it. It even has his picture on the folder and on the papers inside...just in case you get confused about which kid he is.
Tonight an email went out. Some may judge it to be harsh or to quick to act...we don't care what you think. Sorry. The email stated clearly that he is no longer to touch our child. He will not be handling his care while he is working. I'm at the school every day for work and to volunteer. I'll take care of him.
You messed up with the wrong kid this time dude.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
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